Solrød Fjernvarme decided to increase and optimize the green and renewable district heating in Solrød and the surrounding area with a 1MW biomass heat pump solution from Aalborg CSP.
Customer need
Solrød Fjernvarme wanted to utilize the excess energy from a local biogas plant for green district heating production thereby further optimizing the green district heating supply in Solrød and the surrounding area. Solrød Fjernvarme presented the idea to Aalborg CSP, who subsequently developed a solution that met the customer's needs and requirements.
Plant description
Degassed liquid biomass from the local biogas production is cooled in a special biomass/water heat exchanger. The heat from the liquid biomass is then transferred to the electric heat pump. With an increasingly green electricity supply, the electric heat pump will help minimize the use of fossil fuels in the heat production.
The special heat exchanger handling the liquid biomass is developed by Aalborg CSP. Moreover, it is optimized to handle liquids containing both fibers and other impurities. In addition to utilizing the surplus energy from the liquid biomass, the end product gains a higher fertilizer value as well as a reduced odor.